I’m Mel!
User experience expert, empathetic problem-solver, and effective team builder. Too much design is made for other designers.
Me, though? I make work that everyone loves. Design is art with a function.
About me:
With over eighteen years of experience in design, new technologies, and interactive media. My client list includes AARP, WPI, the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), CVS, Microsoft, Amazon, and the RI Secretary of State. I’m an expert in researching and communicating industry trends and comparable technology experiences; applying and driving design standards across all channels. My clients like to say I know just enough enough about everything to be dangerous.
What Sketching Can Teach Us
There’s one piece of advice that I give to every single one. It can seem silly and inconsequential when your ultimate goal is to be a graphic designer or photographer or something that doesn’t “need” drawing skills.
Amex: Should You Enter Contests To Boost Your Business Profile?
There’s a certain sense that if you’re in business, you should focus your time on building up your company as much as possible. The fact is that a contest may be just the jump-start your company needs.
I Tried To Sous Vide A Turkey: Something The Internet Convinced Me To Try
TL;DR — this works, it’s tasty, and it’s worth it if you’ve got the time and counter space. But here’s how it can go wrong.